Wednesday, August 30, 2006

More Free Icons

I use the Tango Icon Project in my work. I also ran across the famfamfam icon set called silk, which is a collection of 700+ free 16x16 icons.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Cognition in the Wild

"... name calling is a way of asserting one's own identity" -Edwin Hutchins

My copy of Cognition in the Wild arrived in the mail yesterday (thanks Amazon). I was struck, first, by its strange proportions. I have the paperback version and its height dimension seems abnormally long--almost textbooky. I've only read until page 17 (and skipped the introduction) but have been impressed so far. I didn't expect the narrative to be so novel-like, particulary with the suspense driven opening. The academic speak has been fairly limited to asides/digressions. At this point, Hutchins is still detailing his first impressions of the Navy as an institution and social organization, which is where I found the quote above.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Natural Tendency of Writing

The following strikes me as profoundly true:

It's like a law of nature, a law of aerodynamics, that anything that's written or anything that's created wants to be mediocre. The natural state of all writing is mediocrity. It's all tending toward mediocrity in the same way that all atoms are sort of dissipating out toward the expanse of the universe.
- Ira Glass (host/producer of This American Life)


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Waterborne Spinner Dolphins

To accompany a previous post and to highlight the beautiful aqua-green water of Hawaii.

Gates Apparently on Circumcision Promotion Tour

Google News aggregation makes for some interesting combinations of headlines. I saw this one last night and couldn't help but take a screenshot. The primary headline, "Circumcision promoted," actually has no accompanying graphic. The Bill Gates shot, shown just to the right of the "Circumcision promoted" text, is actually related to the third headline link: "AIDS Funding: Gates Steps Up as Rich Countries Step Back." However, given the proximity/layout of the Gates graphics and the Circumcision headline, it's easy to interpret that they are related.